Zestaw lamp indukcyjnych Reelight SL220
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SL220 is a smart little bike light with bright clear illumination that ensures you always stand out in the traffic.
The bike light has won the Eurobike Gold Award for its focus on traffic safety, the environment, innovative functionality and overall concept.
The bracket is made of stainless steel, which beautifully matches the bike’s roller or disc brakes. In 2004-2005, Aalborg University and the city of Odense conducted a major study to find out whether mounting daylight riding lights boosted cyclists’ traffic safety and sense of confidence. Half of the cyclists cycled with Reelight bike lights fitted while the other half cycled with their normal lights and lamps. The study showed that daylight riding lights can reduce the number of accidents by 32% while increasing cyclists’ sense of security by 85%. The study contributed to a change in Danish legislation whereby flashing bike lights became legal in 2005.
Mounting the bike lights is quick and easy. The bike light is mounted on the hub and is designed for all bikes with roller brakes or disc brakes (max. 160 mm / 6”). Bicycles with V-brakes or coaster brakes should be fitted with the Reelight SL100 bike lights. The light output corresponds to an ordinary battery lamp with fresh batteries.The bike light produces its own environmentally friendly induction power by means of a coil in the dynamo and magnets on the bicycle spokes – completely without the use of batteries.
The bike lights are permanently mounted, so you always have them with you. The light is always on whenever you cycle, which makes you extra safe in the traffic – day and night. Magnet-powered bike lights mean no more flat batteries, no forgotten bike lights, no friction when you cycle – just lights which are always on.
Zawsze włączona – zawsze bezpieczna (redukuje ryzyko wypadku o 32%)
Zasilanie indukcyjne
Lampa migająca zawsze, gdy rower jest w ruchu
Brak konieczności stosowania baterii
Auto On/Off
Prosty i szybki montaż na stałe do osi piast
Brak oporów i tarcia jak przy zwykłym dynamie